Click here for the new the inventors apprentice and secret agent handbook treasure book codes. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Club penguin has just released their 10th treasure book, filled with many new items. We have a list and pictures of all of the club penguin cheats for this new book. The new club penguin series 6 treasure book got a lot of cool items, and my favourite pages are exclusives and super exclusives. Club penguin was a disney media franchise that was created in 2005 with the release of the online massively multiplayer online game mmo club penguin, which was ended in 2017. This site has, penguin of the week, igloo of the weekmonth, coins cheatsmoneymaker, free penguins, and so much more. You can unlock the super exclusives page by entering 5 series 6 toy codes and you can also unlock 2 bonus items of your choice. On club penguin rewritten, you can redeem book codes by clicking unlock items online in the top right corner of the servers page, and then clicking i have a book. They are the exclusive sensei, and franken stein codes. The newest treasure book has been released in club penguin today the series 9 treasure book, which youll need a coin code to redeem items from the great new catalog. It featured old items from the former series 1 treasure books, the super exclusives as usual, puffles and coins.
This site will help you a lot in anything on club penguin. Club penguin toys are availbe in real world stores. Click on the unlock items online button in the top right. The treasure book was a special catalog in club penguin that contained many. Super exclusives page in treasure book series six found. Here is a picture of the exclusives in the treasure book series 6. The treasure book is a very special catalog on club penguin which consists of exclusive clothing items, puffles, coins available to all players. Treasure book 8 super exclusive page club penguin forum. The glimmer hair, cloudy umbrella, beta hat tshirt and bluesky dress. Our website has a maintained list of club penguin book codes and some information on them to help you earn tons of free coins and items on club penguin.
To check out the treasure book, just click the following link. View all supercpps codes here recently, the supercpps team kindly offered me a code for which i could share with you, and you would receive items ingame for redeeming it. The code is cpmountains and it will unlock you the green viking helmet, the red lei, the. Catalog cheats club penguin cheats tips and tricks. So, if you go to a tore and buy a club penguin toy, it will come with a code. Club penguin treasure book series 6 catalog club penguin. Let us know what you think, and what youd like to see in future issues. Thank you to club penguin rewritten team for the pr treasure book code. Disney club penguin online code gold coin access to treasure.
Several days ago, on the 17th of november, megg finally announced what project super secret is after a year and a half of teases. Like last month with the trex hoodie and the treasure book exclusives returning as memberonly items in the penguin style, every item available at this event were membersonly. New club penguin series 6 treasure book and new club penguin. A list of books will come up, and you can select which book you are trying to redeem from this list below by clicking the book you want to receive coins for. These next set of items are called super exclusives. You need to receive a code theres currently no way to do this at the moment, though there will be more opportunities in the future.
Club penguin marvel super hero takeover unreleased items exclusive. I was able to find out what the series 6 treasure book contains. Follow these guides to earn coins on club penguin fast and easy. A list of books will come up, and you can select which book you are trying to redeem from this list below by clicking the. The only items not shown below are the puffles and coins that were obtainable. There is one hidden item, click the lighthouse for the recycle shirt. Below are club penguin book answers and codes that you can use to unlock items or coins online. This is the seventh page of the series 8 treasure book. It came with a coin that unlocks 3 treasure book items, a puffle keychain, and card 10 club penguin cardjitsu.
Use helpful club penguin cheats to earn more coins in the same amount of time. The items in this treasure book can only be unlocked using, club penguin merchandise for example. If youre looking for a few extra coins and items on club penguin but dont want to earn them, look no further this is the page for you. The series 5 treasure book was one of the treasure books on club penguin. Hey there penguins, i have given over 50 codes on each of the disney and rockhopper book codes at this page at. Here are all of the club penguin series 6 treasure book cheats. Delivering the latest gaming news, cheats, and guides, our site had become a stable for club penguin players and their friends. Club penguin series 6 treasure book carl303 super exclusives happy77 asks igloo artist no i did not quit 10 responses. Heres all the available unlock codes for club penguin online. The items could be claimed using exclusive codes from reallife merchandise, such as the club penguin magazine or toys. It was released on december 7, 2010, and was retired on october 4, 2011 with the other 12 issued treasure books. This page cannot be seen by simply viewing the treasure book, but actually unlocking items.
Each issue comes with a free 7day membership, a code to unlock items from the treasure book, and even an exclusive online item. The treasure book was a feature on the original club penguin game that allowed players to unlock the items inside. Club penguin treasure book series 6 super exclusive page. Well, okay there was the extremely common mining helmet which is also available at the gold mine, all the time and a. Club penguin island cheats all of the latest club penguin. New club penguin series 6 treasure book and new club. The super exclusives page includes some stuff i bet you guys have seen all over cp. Club penguin 30,000 codes, igloo items, exclusive codes club penguin codes. Dec 16, 2009 i was able to find out what the series 6 treasure book contains. Apr 19, 2010 hello penguins, club penguin has released the new series 8 treasure book here are all the cheats for the new series 8 treasure book. Club penguin cheats tips and tricks cheats, tips, tricks. Includes super gold coin to unlock 2 treasure book items. Best place for club penguin cheats, guides, sneak peeks, exclusives, giveaways and many more. Each box is filled with exclusive toys, apparel and collectibles kids.
Sep 29, 2010 surf black and super carlo2 are the owners of this club penguin cheat site. Series 5 treasure book series 4 treasure book series 5. The series 11 treasure book was a treasure book in club penguin. Club penguin unlocking treasure book series 16 hd youtube. If you go to club penguins treasure book page, the series 11 treasure book will show up, however it does not load. The page 8s super exclusives are the same as in the series 6 treasure book. Just make sure the 5th code is either a series 6 or series 7 toy. Club penguin magazine uk it also came with access to the treasure book, so i unlocked the treasure chest costume and then the super.
Prime members enjoy free twoday delivery and exclusive access to music, movies. Club penguin treasure book series 6 super exclusive page posted on december 15, 2009 by lordoc i unlocked the newest items on the new treasure book series 6. This is the ninth page of the series 8 treasure book. Well, okay there was the extremely common mining helmet which is also available at the gold mine, all the time and a meteor pin. I unlocked so much from this particular treasure book the sidetied too, the purple ice dress, the puffle flame hoodie, the orange striped polo shirt, the tussle the brown wig with the green headband and the blue and yellow super exclusive dress i think it was for christmas or my birthday a few years ago c. What are some codes for the exclusive bonus items in the. May 19, 2012 i unlocked so much from this particular treasure book the sidetied too, the purple ice dress, the puffle flame hoodie, the orange striped polo shirt, the tussle the brown wig with the green headband and the blue and yellow super exclusive dress. Oct 24, 2008 the treasure book was a special catalog in club penguin that contained many different items, puffles, and coins, all of which were available to all players, and some were exclusives only found in this catalog. So, i guess they are not so super exclusive any more. It will take you to a screen with super secret items. Dec 06, 2010 club penguin treasure book series 11 is now out. The treasure book is an exclusive book that can only be unlocked via codes on club penguin rewritten, and it contains lots of special items. Page and 14super exclusives if you have entered more than 5 codes in the past, you will unlock the super exclusive page and you will get 2 bonus items to get, of you choice.
Be in the same room as gary the gadget guy cadence. Unlocking exclusive club penguin treasure chest costume. I think that the exclusives and super exclusives are my favorite items in the treasure book. Dec 17, 2009 the new club penguin series 6 treasure book got a lot of cool items, and my favourite pages are exclusives and super exclusives. Three disney club penguin code gold coins to unlock nine treasure book. Treasure book club penguin cheats secrets glitches.
Surf black and super carlo2 are the owners of this club penguin cheat site. Today, i was looking in club penguin files for some exclusives and i came across with an unreleased ironman suit images. This will reveal super exclusives of the series 8 treasure book. Club penguin has released the newest treasure book today, treasure book series. The beta tshirt, the one and only white and blue umbrella, and 2 more.
Choose the official guide to club penguin the first one. You can follow any responses to this entry through the rss 2. The magazine also included three codes in each issue for 1500 coins, and a code for an exclusive item, one item from the current treasure book, and a small. A new treasure book has finally arrived to club penguin. While anyone could view it from within the clothes shop or unlock items online, its items could only be obtained with special codes from reallife merchandise. This is the eighth page of the series 8 treasure book. And check out my site for the latest club penguin news and updates.
To start out, first log in to your penguin and click on unlock items online. This treasure book is unlockable with any series 10 toy, puffle, or igloo playset. Also there is a super exclusive page,i will post the picture soon when i unlock some items. Club penguin series 6 treasure book carl303 super exclusives happy77 asks igloo artist no i did not quit. Dec 15, 2009 club penguin treasure book series 6 super exclusive page posted on december 15, 2009 by lordoc i unlocked the newest items on the new treasure book series 6.
Apr 19, 2010 anyway, if you gradually collect 5 toys and enter the codes online, you can unlock the super exclusives page. If you use a code from a series six toy you will unlock the secret page in the treasure book six. Yes there are secret items in the treasure book on club penguin get 3 codes you will get a screen that says you unlocked 5 but it works for 3. Apr 05, 2011 club penguin has released the newest treasure book today, treasure book series. The catalog is accessible from either the clothes shop on club penguin or the unlock items online page obtaining items from this catalog requires a special code available on club penguin reallife merchandise. Get free codes for exclusive items on club penguin now and use codes for exclusive items. Today cp released the seventh book of the revised version of the treasure book, which is the 20th treasure book in cp history. Today club penguin released the new club penguin series 7. What word is on page 165, 4 words from the left on line 6. Exclusive club penguin cheats, hints, tricks, glitches, secrets, tips, pins, parties, codes, walk throughs, pictures, discussions and fun. If this video was useful please like and subscribe for more cheats and. Club penguin series 11 treasure book club penguin cheats.
If youd like to try these cheats out, you can try them on the interactive treasure book demo on club penguin. Hello penguins, club penguin has released the new series 8 treasure book here are all the cheats for the new series 8 treasure book. The exclusives are pretty similar to the series 1 and 2 treasure book, instead, with a change of color in. In the new treasure book there is a new item that had never been seen. Treasure book series 11 club penguin wiki the free.
Club penguin inspired a variety of console video games, books and. Here are the old items here are the new items for this treasure book here are the super exclusives, bonus items. The cover for the newest book is brown, i think theyre going to run out of colors for the covers soon and may have to redesign them. Club penguin series 7 treasure book released match87055. Its not just items that you can get you can also adopt these furry puffles. Dec 16, 2009 here is a picture of the exclusives in the treasure book series 6. Here is how to find the first hidden items, green sunglasses, life ring and the lifeguard shirt. Currently you can preregister for it on their special website. The treasure book was a special catalog in club penguin that contained many different items, puffles, and coins, all of which were available to all players, and some were exclusives only found in this catalog. In club penguin online, the treasure book is not used. Its a brand new mobileonly version of club penguin in 3d titled club penguin island.
Treasure book series 8 cheats club penguin cheats secrets. To complete the thin ice game on club penguin, follow the paths of the pictures listed below. This is because club penguin online is not affiliated. Hey guys, hopefully most of you know what the treasure book is, if not you can click this link. Today i receive a package for my little sister and she loves it. Here are some book cheats you can use to get coins.
Dec 16, 2009 about best club penguin cheats for over ten years, was the ultimate disney club penguin community for millions of players all around the globe. The first page of the treasure book has two jester items, the court jester hat and the court jester outfit. You can unlock the ninth page if you unlock the treasure book many times. Book answers and codes caity12s club penguin cheats. When you unlock your first book, youll receive 1500 coins and a blue book, but after that you will unlock 2000 coins every time.
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